Are you an educator? Check out Counsellor in the Classroom!

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Kids Help Phone’s Counsellor in the Classroom Program promotes the discussion of mental health and well-being among young people. It’s available to students in Grades 6 through 12 across Canada. Classes that participate will learn about mental health, Kids Help Phone’s services and how / where to seek support. If you’re an educator for students in Grades 6 through 12 in Canada, keep reading for more information about the program and register today!

Loved it. So helpful. The counsellor in the video chat was so welcoming and informative. My students enjoyed the lessons and the call. I’ve already told my whole division how great it was and will be reaching out again next year. It also came at a time of friendship conflict within the classroom and some of those questions were geared to finding more support for those issues (couldn’t have been more perfect).

— Participating educator, 2021

What are the goals of the Counsellor in the Classroom Program?

The program is divided into two parts. The first part includes classroom activities led by the educator. The second part includes a 45-minute phone or video call conversation between the class and one of Kids Help Phone’s professional counsellors. The program activities and call can be completed in person or through distance learning. The program goals will help students:

  • gain a better understanding of mental health
  • identify how / where they can seek support
  • make a plan for how they can reach out for help if they need it
  • feel more confident in seeking support

Facilitating the lessons brought forth some rich discussions about mental health and the services accessible for youth in our community. The live call alleviated a lot of anxiety on behalf of many students and has opened their minds about accessing support.

— Participating educator, 2019 and 2020

What happens after I register for the program?

Upon a confirmed registration in the program, educators will receive a digital program package including:

  • an educational resource booklet for the appropriate grade, including:
    • lesson plans
    • preparation activities on mental health, seeking support and addressing barriers
    • optional extension activities
    • debrief suggestions (e.g. what to do after the call with a counsellor, etc.)
    • a glossary of terms for young people
    • worksheets for youth
    • an overview of Kids Help Phone’s services
  • digital promotional materials

Excellent resources provided! My class was very engaged in the lessons. The program was excellent, the counsellor was excellent, and my class found it informative and interesting.

— Participating educator, 2020

What happens during the phone call with a counsellor?

Here’s what you and your students can expect during the session with a counsellor:

  1. The counsellor will begin by talking about Kids Help Phone, our services and the youth we support.
  2. The counsellor will prompt a conversation about why it’s hard to reach out for help sometimes, especially about an emotional or mental health issue.
  3. The counsellor may speak to common questions they’ve been asked by young people in previous sessions.
  4. The call will be opened up to the classroom for questions.

Where can I register for the Counsellor in the Classroom Program?

Thank you for your interest in Kids Help Phone’s Counsellor in the Classroom Program! Kids Help Phone is able to offer this program to schools and communities across Canada through the generous support of funders. The program is best suited to students in Grades 6 through 12, and there are a limited number of sessions each year. Registration doesn’t always guarantee a session, as we depend on funding and availability.

Please note your class may be placed on a waitlist. Once you’ve completed your registration form, a member of the Counsellor in the Classroom Team will be in touch to confirm availability. Thank you!

You can fill out the form below to submit a registration for the Counsellor in the Classroom Program!

Counsellor in the Classroom registration
What grade is the class?
School address
Postal code
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Preferred platform for the call with the counsellor
As a part of ongoing diversity, accessibility and inclusion initiatives, we’d like to know more about the youth in your class. How do the majority of your students identify? *
How did you find out about the Counsellor in the Classroom Program? Please check all that apply.
Have you participated in a Counsellor in the Classroom session in previous school years?
We’re continually working to enhance the program to better serve students and educators across the country. Can Kids Help Phone contact you for input on revisions and new materials?

If you have questions or would like more information about the program, you can contact us by email at [email protected].