Mental health insights: Get data about depression

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Mental health and well-being is part of every person’s life across Canada. It’s often affected by factors like location, relationships, physical health and more. Every person’s experience is unique.

By browsing this data, we hope more people from coast to coast to coast are able to reflect on their own wellness, feel inspired and less alone and discover their strengths and coping strategies. 

What data insights are available about depression?

The charts and graphs below display data about the amount of texting interactions people have with us about depression. You can review how the amount of texting interactions changes based on the time, day of the week, age of the texter and location of the texter.

To filter the data, you can hold command / control on your keyboard and tap different sections of all three graphs. For example, if you’d like to find out what age group is having the most texting interactions about depression at midnight on Fridays, you can select “12 a.m.” and “Friday” and review how the age breakdown data changes.

What are people sharing about depression?

Read a real-life quote from people contacting Kids Help Phone for support with depression below.

To read about lived experiences across Canada, you can check out our story library

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