Support guide: Being bullied, a bystander or a participant

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Did you know that the average length of Kids Help Phone’s texting conversations with youth about bullying is 54 minutes? Bullying can be complex and involve people who are witnessing bullying, participating in bullying and being bullied. It’s also true that about 50% of teens who engage in bullying also report being bullied themselves.


It’s also true that about 50% of teens who engage in bullying also report being bullied themselves.

No matter how you’re experiencing bullying, you deserve to feel supported in finding your way to positive change. Kids Help Phone is here for you.

Kids Help Phone wants to let you know that language is always evolving. Some people prefer to use words like assault, abuse and harassment to describe bullying. We’re using familiar terms like bullying and cyberbullying to help our readers’ understanding. It’s important to use the words that make the most sense for you and your experiences.

Are you witnessing, participating in and / or being bullied? You can browse through the resource guide below to find information that may be helpful to you.

Whether you’re being bullied, witnessing it or participating in it, there are ways to get support and help stop the behaviour. If you’d like to talk to someone about how bullying is impacting your life, you can reach out to Kids Help Phone 24/7. You can also visit to learn more about bullying signs, facts and types.

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